so for better response and better solution for your issue I move this thread to Word it pro discussion forum For end-to-end mail merge steps, see Use Word mail merge for email, Mail merge for labels, or Use mail merge to personalize letters. this forum only handles the issue regarding word object model. From the description of thread we can see that you want use User Interface of Word Application to solve your issue.

Need to group records in MS Word wth a Mail Merge? It can be done using a Directory and typing in the fields with CTRL + F9. On the Insert Merge Field box, choose Database Fields, and then select Vehicle Make and Model Now, select any word or a few words within the letter body and then click on Insert Merge Field on the Write & Insert Fields group. Now, go to the mail merge Word document and repeat steps four, five, and six. Once the cells are highlighted, you'll see a new toolbar called Table Tools at the top of the screen. To do this, click and hold the first cell in the range, then drag the mouse until you've selected each additional cell. On the Mailings tab, choose the 'Start Mail Merge' button, a list of different types of documents will drop down (i.e. In Word, open the existing file and press the 'Mailings' tab in the main menu. When creating a mail merge you have the ability to use an existing document/letter.

Make sure that this information is accurate before proceeding Starting in column A, cell 2, begin entering the contact information for each of the people for whom you want to generate a mail merge.Each row of the table will store the email addresses to send one message You will perform 2 Merges: 1) Distribution List: As described in Doug's attachement, create a Directory Merge, which contains a simple table of the distribution email addresses. from the original Word 97 to Word 2002: Some of these may be useful to add to your Instructions.The wizard lets you easily select the starting mail merge document Step C (Optional): You can also use the Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard (from the Start Mail Merge drop-down menu) to streamline the Word mail merge process. Since we're creating a Word mail merge for sending letters, choose Letters as your merge document.All data to be merged is present in the first sheet of your spreadsheet For example, to address readers by their first name in your document, you'll need separate columns for first and last names. Column names in your spreadsheet match the field names you want to insert in your mail merge.Or they can be adjacent cells that span multiple rows and columns They can be adjacent cells in a row or column. First, select the cells you want to merge. Merging cells in a table combines two or more adjacent cells of the same size into one larger cell.For more info on using the dialog box, see Edit Data Source. In the New Address List dialog box type recipient information in each column as appropriate. Choose Select Recipients > Type a New List. excel - Word 2007 mail merge with 2 columns - Stack Overflo Are you trying to do a mail merge in Microsoft Word to fit multiple records on one page? (Perhaps you are designing name tags or labels for an event). Alternatively, you may want to try one of the Many-to-One Mail Merge add-ins, from: Graham Mayor at Merge Many To One or. An example of such usage can be found at: Mail merge into different coloumns. 5 Select Two on the drop-down menu The DATABASE field can even be used without recourse to a mailmerge. It will open your column options on a drop-down menu. Labels: Labels: BI & Data Analysis Click the Columns button on the Layout toolbar. Is there a work around? Thank you for any any assistance. However i have noticed i have been unable to go beyond 255 columns worth of merge field. Under Select document type, click Letters I have an excel which has 1270 columns to import into word document using mail merge. In Microsoft Office Word 2007, click Start Mail Merge in the Start Mail Merge group on the Mailings tab, and then click Step by Step by Mail Merge Wizard. In Microsoft Office Word 2003 and in earlier versions of Word, point to Letters and Mailings on the Tools menu, and then click Mail Merge Wizard. If you are looking for an online many-to-one mail merge, try EDocGen In your case if an invoice has two items, it will create two documents. it creates one document for each row in Excel. Try the directory one to keep everything on the same page Probably the easiest way to do this is to run the merge for one record per page then change every other section break to a column break, starting with the first section break Mail merge wizard by default performs one-to-one mail merge i.e. The letters mail merge option will force a page break as it assumes you need them on another sheet. The record will continue in the same column unless you make your master take up the whole column or add a column break.